We’ve been delving into the Tale of the Manticore Podcast to get a little fix of D&D OSR. Apart from feeling our way into a DM-only narrative and listening to those old dice rolls again – ah childhood nostalgia – we’ve had a little think about the manticore. In D&D the manticore has become a bit of an odd chimera with wings and a club tail. “A manticore was a large, magical beast with the body of a lion, dragon-like wings, and a somewhat humanoid head. Its long tail had a cluster of deadly spikes.” (Forgotten Realms Wiki). Yet, with a look back to the original description there were no wings and the tail is a scorpion with quills that fly out, at least to the mind of ancient Greeks who were describing possibly some form of Persian or Indian tiger. Then we had a re-peek at the Open00 bestiary and lo and behold the beast was absent. So in homage to Tales of the Manticore, here is an epic beast to add to your Open00 game. Pop over to the shop and pay what you want.